
So a couple of days ago I went to the midnight premiere of the Hobbit. This movie actually got criticised a lot before it came out because it's based on one children's book and they're making three movies out of it. Even fans were worried about it (oh Peter Jackson, how could we ever have doubted you?). I want to write an informative and unbiased review, but nope that's too difficult for me.

All you need to know is the Hobbit is flawless and negative reviewers are haters with no taste!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, Peter Jackson did an amazing job. And going to the midnight premiere was super exciting, even though I was by myself =_= There were cosplayers (I don't know if it's just me but I haven't seen cosplayers at the cinema since Harry Potter) and there were people cyring during the movie and it's not even sad (hello~ children's book!). Now I still have 10E of my cinema voucher left and I kind of want to see it again...

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